Up-to-date view on technologies for evidence-based medicine in the diagnosis of the cardiovascular system at the macro- and microlevels: the pros and cons in the diagnosis of arteries and veins, dysfunction and arteriovenous imbalance in the whole vascular system and in various regional vascular reservoirs

Ulyana B Lushchyk, Viktor V Novytskyy, Igor P Babii, Nadiya G Lushchyk, Liudmyla S Riabets, Ivanna I Legka, Oleg P Kolomytchuk, Viktor Vi Novytskyy




The monograph was published by  Open Access E-books




It was the 20th year of the 21st century. CVD and oncopathology epidemics consistently maintained leadership in mortality and disability in the Earth’s population.

The emergence of Covid-19 has become a challenge for all civilization, complicating the course of chronic pathology, exacerbating the question of survival with additional provoking factors of systemic microangiothrombopathy in lung tissue and vital organs. Therefore, in vivo visualization of pathological vascular processes and understanding their role in the formation of blood supply disorders in the entire cardiovascular system is becoming increasingly relevant and vital for the survival of world civilization in the 2020 pandemic .

In the age-related aspect cardiovascular disease has undergone a certain historical stage: they first debuted in older people and in the elderly – in the 60s-70s of the last century, in the 80s the CVD segment spread in 50-year-olds, in the early 90s – isolated cases of stroke in aged 30-40 and children, beginning of the 21st century – strokes in infants, children of preschool and early school age. During the Covid-19 pandemic, another formidable factor arose – vascular coagulopathy with the risk of thrombosis and a high risk of death from thromboembolism in Covid-19 and in the early post-Covid-19 period.

The full text 


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