The up-to-date potential of an integrated functional estimation of the arteriovenous balance in the closed vascular system on the macro- and microlevel

Popular functional angiology: from main arteries through capillaries to main veins

Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Lushchyk N.G., Babiy I.P., Alexseyeva T.S.

The book is a brief review of two actual problems in modern diagnostics in the angiology such as
1 – diagnostics and estimation of the vascular system’s condition on the regional cerebral level,
2 – up-to-date potential of the in vivo non-invasive estimation of structure and function of capillaries on the microcirculatory level.

Basics of modern investigating methods of the vascular system in the organism and interpretation of investigation’s results are performed in the comprehensible form. Possibilities of an integrated application of the ultrasound diagnostics of brain vessels, smart capillaroscopy together with magneto-resonance and radiopague angiography are described.
The state of capillaries’ system as the more important link of the blood-carrying canal, which supply with all substances (required for vital activity) for organs and tissues, gives a lot of interesting extra information in diagnostics. Today the capillaroscopy, which enables to visualize disorders in microcirculation, has become one of progressive methods of diagnostics owing to application of modern electronic-computer technologies and a range of possibilities of its application is quite wide.
The book contains a lot of schemes and colored illustrations
The book is made for medical students, post-graduate students, doctors of general practice, neuropathologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, angiologists and angiosurgeons, resuscitators, doctors of the functional and radial diagnosis, doctors of the intensive therapy departments, family physicians.

Brief contents

  • Macroangiology
    Color-coding of gray-scale scanned MRA- and USD-images.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of brain vessels.
  • Elastic-tonic properties of a vascular wall.
  • Investigation of a pumping function of the myocardium.
  • Modern diagnostic methods of investigation of the vascular system in an aspect of creation of mathematical models.
  • Theoretical models for hemodynamic processes.
  • Conflict of calibers of the main and capillary vessels.
  • Venous dyshemia.
  • Arteriovenous cerebral disbalance.
  • Arteriovenous cerebral pathological shunting.
  • A phenomenon of reactive hyperemia after occlusion of the carotid artery.
  • Application of modern methods of the vascular diagnostics under conditions of neuroresuscitation department (monitoring and correction of regional hemodynamics under critical states).
  • Results of an integrated examination of patients in coma.
  • Microangiology
    History of study of microcirculation: from pathomorphological investigations to intravital diagnostics.
  • Theoretical basics of microcirculation regarding the pathomorphological investigations of capillaries.
  • Microcirculation and statistics.
  • Theoretical basics of functioning of the microcirculatory bed regarding problems of hemodynamics.
  • Smart capillaroscopy: the new is a well-forgot old plus up-to-date potential of computed technologies.
  • Method of examination of the capillary bed.
  • History of issue of classification of disorders in microcirculation.
  • Optic and smart capillaroscopy.
  • Fields of application of the capillaroscopy.
  • Possibility of application of the smart capillaroscopy in the clinical practice.
  • Control of efficiency of treatment with the help of method of the smart capillaroscopy and a method of the clinical interpretation of obtained static and dynamic images.

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