Scientific publications

Ulyana Lushchyk – a scientist
Being a student she was unrivalled in knowledge. So nowadays she is actively working on improving already existing technologies and…

Exclusive knowledge …
I always respect researchers and lecturers. This is a difficult life path to learn to summarize the acquired knowledge, experience,…

Лущик У.Б. Влияние кавинтона на церебральную гемодинамику у больных хроническими нарушениями мозгового кровообращения // Материалы Всероссийской студенческой конференции на тему…

Monographs on thematic areas
Angiology • Lushchyk. U. B. Fundamentals of Ultrasound Diagnostic of Vessels in the Brain (ukr, rus, eng) (1997) • Lushchyk….

19.07.1995 A method of ultrasound diagnostics of a condition of vessels of the brain. Patent № 10262 А 31.12.2003 A…

The dissertation Lushchyk U.B. for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in the specialty 14.01.15 (nerve diseases) on the…

World Ranking of Scientists at Research Gate
14/05/2020 14/05/2021 More information at ResearchGate …