Apallic syndrome

Lushchyk U.B., Lushchyk N.G., Babyi I.P.

The monograph presents one of the fewest attempts to generalize the latest knowledge about apallic syndrome and persistent vegetative states. Unsuccessful resuscitation, new views’ representation of these states and the newest approaches to treatment are the most urgent problems of nowadays. Our eight-year experience of examining 43 patients in coma and with apallic syndrome, our successful arousing some of them from that condition, bringing them to the level of self-service and to social rehabilitation show that the brain does not die but it is in the state of persistent diashism. Someone may not believe in the possibility of not only long and permanent but also partial renewing effect in such cases; but we are talking about real people and their fates that changed for the better because of the optimism and diligence of doctors and patients and their relatives themselves.

The authors are the doctors–neuropathologists who are proficient in methods of functional and radial diagnostics and they analyse the famous issues about this problem redoing them creatively according to their own experience of successful arousing patients from apallic syndrome.

The edition is intended for doctors-resuscitators, neurologists, neurosurgeons, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and doctors of radial and functional diagnostics, students, internees and post-graduate students of medical institutions.


Theme topicality
Comatose states
Pathological approaches to realising brain dysfunction
In comatose states
Brain death diagnosis: historical overview
Bioethics aspects of the brain death diagnostics

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