Perpetual motion machine?

Perpetual motion machine? It is possible!

A small journal article is definitely not enough to tell about all Ulyana Lushshyk is involved in. Her business card includes only the most important points: research advisor in biomedical issues of her own clinic, M.D., medical law attorney, member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, manager of innovative medical technologies.

Friends call her perpetuum mobile – perpetual motion machine. A twenty four hour day is too short for pani Ulyana. For this reason, she has a vice – she likes working at night. What a wonderful time is night! Nobody comes or calls and doors do not bang. Just concentrate and work a few hours on end. Then meet sunrise joyfully because you’ve fulfilled the part of work that you would never done during a day. Colleagues joke that sometimes she comes home for night duties.
“Tell us, Mrs.Ulyana, do you ever sleep?”
“My vitality always surprises those who know my lifestyle well. The source of it, I suppose, is my successes. I don’t feel tired. Tiredness comes when I am bored. Once I formulated a theory that a human falls ill when he loses the interest in world. In this way, the disease becomes a reason to escape from work, hobbies, life. Perhaps the most frustrating thing is to see this block for future, as I call it, in a patient. In this situation, the disease manifests itself and the person leaves the world reasonably.
“How can you call yourself today: doctor, scientist, lawyer or business lady?”
“Innovative manager. The scientific management is an absolutely new trend for the Ukrainian medicine. Our doctors have many path-breaking ideas and developments but they are only applied for patents today. To make these innovations work for both people and government, we must develop and turn them into technologies, i.e. bring them up to the level of the intellectual capital, intellectual product that can be sold like any other products. Presently, the economy of the most developing countries – China, Brazil, India – advances rapidly on the base of technologies developed by native producers.
In our modern world, innovative technologies are in great demand and our government can make capital out of them and, at the same time, enhance the prestige of the native medicine. To fulfill all this, we need innovative managers having a body of knowledge of different scientific fields. My practical experience, theoretical knowledge, analytical approach and also three graduate degrees enable me to realize my potential on a government scale. For this reason, the most important thing for me today is a public service. I help our government to establish the scientific management in medical institutions.”
“How about the Clinic of Ulyana Lushchyk?”
“The Clinic has been working as an independent enterprise for one and half years. My pupils treat our patients according to technologies developed by me. Our clinic’s specialization is neurological and cardiovascular diseases.
I was raising my clinic during 15 years and it was interesting for me to realize myself as a doctor on that period of my life. Later I learned ultrasound of vessels, improved it, and developed a method for investigation of venous bed.
People with different pathologies came to our center. Choosing an individual scheme of their treatment, I tested most of techniques on myself to find out how much it can help a patient. I stick to the idea that a doctor himself must understand what an impact has his prescriptions on a sick organism. And only after that the doctor can start the treatment.
Slowly, a range of my scientific interests was growing.
At that time, ICP was considered as an incurable disease. And people looked awry at me, as if they asked me: “What can you do here?” But together with the team of professionals, we found vascular pathologies, corrected them and children began to develop. The same situation was with oligophrenia, autism, and epilepsy.
The active practical work led to scientific breakthroughs. Relying on this new knowledge added to the body of the old one, we went forward.
Now I understand that my experience and knowledge should be used not so much for medical practice as for scientific management, innovative technologies and raising scientific youth. I can teach a lot and create my own school – this, perhaps, is my mission.”
“You are not going to leave medicine, aren’t you?”
“Before I had some doubts about what to do in future: I tried myself in legal profession and in teaching “Medical Instrumentation”. But friends said: “Ulyana, you will not be able to exist without medicine. It is your life.”
To be honest with you, today I’m more interested in innovative technologies based on the approach to a human organism as a system. We work a lot in this direction together with cybernetists and engineers creating medical equipment of a new generation.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery predicted that the time will come when physicists will draw a drop of the patient’s blood and develop a formula and after checking it with tables, they will cure him. “But still, if I fall ill,” he wrote then, “I will ask some old country doctor for help. He will look out of the corner of the eye, feel my pulse and belly, and auscultate me. Then he will give a cough smoking a pipe, rub his chin and smile to better release from pain.”
These words have a deep meaning. Devices can do much but the human mind and soul are indispensable. A real doctor always sympathizes with his patient, understands and respects him. Their relations must be built on trust because it is about the inmost thing – health.
There is a very good medical proverb on this subject that says: “There are always three of us – patient, doctor and disease. If a disease will feel comfortable next to a patient, a doctor will never fight them both. If the patient takes the part of the doctor and if they fight with the disease together, they will succeed. This is the core of art of healing.”
“But all this needs great mental efforts. What do you leave for your family? Aren’t they jealous of you over your work?”
“I met my husband 15 years ago and he said: “We both are scientists so we will cook and do the housework by turn or together”. It is very important for the woman’s self-fulfillment if her husband understands that his wife is not just a housewife – cook, laundrywoman, window washer etc.
Me and my husband form a successful scientific tandem. He is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, analyst, and is good at mechanics. During these years, he learnt medical sphere and I acquired knowledge of mathematics.
We have collaborative scientific papers across mathematics, mechanics, hydrodynamics and medicine, for example, on the analytical view of circulation alteration systems in case of various diseases.
When I was young, I had a lot of hobbies. I liked baking cakes, canning, sewing, embroidering, knitting, designing clothes (I still create and draw designs for my clothing and tailors make it using them). But now I just don’t have time for all that. Only those things remain, without which I cannot imagine my life – ice swimming that boosts my energy, travelling and music. All this helps my brain to relax.
Yes, that’s true. Life becomes wonderful when your body works as it should. At present, my technologies help people not only to have a productive life without any painful discomfort but also to restore after severe diseases that used to be treated as incurable.
This is the core essence of the innovator’s mission – to help people to recover from many problems. And it becomes possible today!”

Natalya Travka


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