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The Age of Ulyana...

“Everybody has his destiny and the wide path” TG Shevchenko   This site has been living its life for over 10 years. The need for its creation arose gradually – an interest in the works of Academician Lushchyk U.B. is constantly growing. Unrestrained innovative creativity allows removing the bar of secrecy from her research discoveries, monographs, patents, etc. Ulyana...

A personal program of...

Доктор медичних наук, академік АТН України Лущик Уляна Богданівна є засновником та керівником медичного кластеру НЦ Істина-Верітас, який вже протягом 23 років займається розробкою нових інноваційних технологій в...

Cerebrovascular disorders of arteriovenous...

Article in Integrative Clinical Cardiology   Ulyana B Lushchyk1,5*, Viktor V Novytskyy1,2, Igor P Babii3,5, Nadiya G Lushchyk4,5, Ivanna I Legka5, Chika Onwuka5   Ulyana B Lushchyk1,5* *Corresponding author Email: Viktor V Novytskyy1,2 Email: Igor P Babii3,5 Email: Nadiya G Lushchyk4,5 Email: Ivanna I...

Hemodynamic lab «MacroMicroPotok»

V.P. Boun, U.B. Lushchyk, L.B. Malinovskyy, V.V. Novytskyy A Hemodynamic Lab “MacroMicroPotok” for Integrated Examination and Efficient Correction of the Human Vascular System  They have considered a condition of diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine and in the world. The problem has been briefly reviewed in the medicine. The methodological principles of the...
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