I am Ukrainian! And this is my main competitive advantage!

U.B. Lushchyk

She brings Ukrainian culture to the world.

Everyone has their own bioethical limit: I put all my scientific and practical achievements into technology to improve human health.

U.B. Lushchyk

Sometimes it is necessary to go beyond the system and contemplate Ukraine from other continents to understand its uniqueness and essence.

Ukrainians are changing the world!

The Age of Aquarius is the return of the world to basic human values.

Today Ukrainians bring these virtues into the world!

Ulyana Lushchyk has a clear principled pro-Ukrainian position.

Civic position

Ukrainian woman as a phenomenon


Self-identification of Ukrainians…

Everyone is a person. Sooner or later, self-identification is manifested in the style of his behaviour, in literacy and the…


Orange Revolution

The Orange Revolution of Dignity in 2004 Today it is history. And only from the standpoint of decades we can…


Dignity Square

Від Помаранчевої революції до усвідомлення національної гідності – шлях довжиною в 10-ліття. Медична допомога на Майдані Перша допомога у стані…


My basic principles of human dignity


Ukrainian is not only embroidery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut…

You-tube channel Ulyani Lushchyk: Wisdom comes with age
You-tube channel: Innovative technologies